Friday, September 18, 2009


We have had enough! It has rained for days and nights for so long that I can't count the numbers. We have mosquitoes the size of birds and when the back door is opened they flock in in droves!

Funny, isn't it, that when we need rain we pray for it and when we think we've had enough we pray for it to be gone! Perhaps this is what religion really is, prayer for our needs.

The planters that I splurged to fill this past spring are pitiful. They had about 3 weeks of glory and the remainder of the summer have really had to struggle to live, much less bloom or produce. Rotten tomatoes, rotten peppers, rotten marigolds, rotten get the picture...not pretty is it? Funny, but the weeds are really doing quite well. Not sure what the name of the one that has tiny leaves and grows in a rosette pattern closely hugging the ground and strangles out everything it reaches is, but it's really flourishing, even in planters!

This hasn't been a good summer for gardening. When it wasn't flooding it was bone dry and awfully hot. Nothing in between. I remember a time in central FL when we could count on a pretty good rain around 3 every afternoon and sun the rest of the time. Now, if I could pray up the perfect gardening weather, that would be it for me! Now, I understand that this is north FL and it is different, but shouldn't prayer make up for the difference? Evidently not.

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