Sunday, October 05, 2008

Just catching up

Friday was my night to have dinner with the ladies. As always it was very good and much fun! The nicest thing about it was how we all our fall clothes! We all looked so warm and fuzzy!

I sat on the computer almost all day yesterday playing a new game I found, Peggle Nites. Simple and totally captivating! Gotta watch it! It's hard to get much done that way!

Left home at a quarter to seven this morning and headed to Tallahassee. It wasn't quite as cool as its been the past few days, but cool enough! The fog was funny. It was very heavy at ground level about up to the hood of my car and perfectly clear above. There was a stretch of road where the fog pretty much covered it and the going was a tad slow. It burned off as soon as the sun came up.

Nancy and I went to The Village Inn again. They do know how to make breakfast important! Good food and brought some home!

After breakfast we "did" Walmart. I'm in the process of weather stripping and had run out, so I got some more. It's quite cheap for such a good fix. I also found some self adhesive bottom of the door strips. I'm hoping all of this will help this winter. Got some jerky and puppy chow, too.

Things at work are okay. Now that I'm really part time I find that what goes on there takes on much less importance. Funny how that works. I get up three days a week and put in 15 hours at one place and another 1-4 hours at another. And then I'm my own person. Getting the house in winter order and just order in general is a joy. If I ever finish all of my "home improvement" projects then I have a million and one other projects waiting in the wings. I'm enjoying looking forward to them!

The poor yard has really "gone to hell in a hand basket" as Aunt Maude used to say. We haven't had rain in 3+ weeks and I'm really not watering much at all (money you know). I had the fellow who mows my yard mow the pitiful garden spot, so that's gone, thank goodness and 'most everything else is dying in pots. You'd think I'd be upset by this and on some level I am, but mostly, it's a funny relief. Gets me!

Hold your breath, the puppies are better. Not good, better.

Gotta go put a bird in the oven.

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