Monday, March 17, 2008

The wearing of the green

So far everyone coming in to work this morning is wearing at least a touch of green. I think everyone should always wear green here as we are a nursery!

Mother fell out of bed Friday evening trying to reach her least that's what they say. She wasn't hurt and doesn't remember it.

Saturday Nancy and I spent hours and hours looking for her tax information. We went through one closet and didn't find anything for taxes, but found stacks and stacks of magazines dating back to 1996! We tossed them along with one of the most extensive stashes of used tissue paper I've ever seen. She had empty boxes and shopping bags which we also tossed and lots and lots of just plain junk. There is another closet which we plan to do on Sunday.

We had taken shampoo and blow dryer with us when we went to see Mothero on Saturday, but she was asleep both times we went there so we didn't wake her to do her hair. Yesterday Nancy went there and washed & dried her hair. It had gotten so bad and smelled. When Nancy called me after doing her hair she was almost yelling. She had worked herself up with so much anger and wanted to take it out on me. When I told her finally that she had to get hold of her anger she practically hung up on me. Wouldn't answer my calls later. Oh well.

I was gone from home for 13 hours on Saturday. I told Bert that I'll not be visiting Mother this week as I need to stay off of my ankle as much as I can and I'm very tired. Also, gas is eating me alive!

I reinjured my ankle Saturday by slipping twice on the piles of stuff we'd tossed out of her closet and now it's very swollen and painful again.

Smokey and Bandi spent all day Sunday outside. They loved it. The builder had accidentally let both of them out on different days last week and every time the door is used they both rush it. I really hadn't planned on letting them out at all, but now it's a done deal. I do hope they'll stay close!

The builder thinks my new French doors will be in the first of this week. No news on the cabinets. I pray they finish soon. The was I'm living at home is worse than camping and there is a thick coating of dust on everything, even the bathrooms. No wonder the cats and I sneeze lots!

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