Friday, March 21, 2008

Change is the norm

Years ago it dawned on me that the only thing that's really normal is change. Nothing ever stays the same, relationships, health, jobs, and all of the various day to day things that we often aren't even aware of undergo change constantly. Damn it, why can't we just find that comfort zone and stay put? I am so tired of the feeling of being tossed into the air and wondering where I'll land.

Not much change with Mother. Don't remember if I mentioned that she'll be moved to a nursing home on the 2nd...which one is still to be determined.

Chilly this morning.

They put beautiful spring flowers on my desk yesterday. Dogwood, redbuds, loropetalums, cherrys and something else. Now my office matches outside! Pretty. Sweet!

Oh, the builders installed wonderful old crown molding in my kitchen yesterday! Didn't know they were going to do that and it's really, really nice! Love it! Of course, the rest of the kitchen is still empty...oh well...maybe it'll be ready for Thanksgiving!

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