Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Mother had a stroke yesterday. She's stable now and in Cardiac Intensive Care. I haven't called anyone as I'm so scattered and can't find my address book. Rosie, I have your # on my cell and when I get it charged up and know something more I'll give you a call. Nancy, Bert and I were with her until midnight and then Nancy and I left. Bert stayed...we're worried about him as he is 90 and really not handling this well at all.

She is having speech problems (counts a lot) and is partially paralyzed on her right side and very confused, doesn't know her name or the date or what happened or where she is, etc..

We have a big storm coming in today with tornadoes, hail and such.

Daddy died on the 5th of March.


Anonymous said...

Bama Jane my prayers are with you all.

I just contacted Al and Jean Mccully to let them know what has happened.

I found your blog looking for a website for the seinyard.
Bill McCully

Anonymous said...

Hey Mom! I can't get you by telephone. I was gone all morning, and then just a few minutes ago I stepped out to haul water to the goats and missed your call! Call me back, or better yet, answer your phone!