Saturday, November 03, 2007

Busy, busy, busy

HWB's surgery went well and Paul's mother is recovering from her surgery.

Yesterday HWB's wife called in a small panic. They were in Tallahassee for his first physical therapy and had left the referral papers at home. So I dashed out to their house (way out in the country) found the papers and dashed back to the office to fax them to the therapist. Then Paul's wife called to tell him that she's scheduled for more test on Tuesday...her blood pressure has been having major spikes and then lows and the doctors have no idea what's causing it. Hope they'll finally be able to put their fingers on the problem and fix it!

Mother sent me a check for my health insurance and it arrived on Thursday. When I opened the envelope I discovered she hadn't signed it, so I called her. Well, I got no answer, but I knew that Bert was playing golf and Mother has a 2:30 beauty parlor appointment on Thursdays so I just jumped in my car and dashed to Tallahassee. Pulled into their driveway at 3:30 and sat there until 4:30 when Bert got home...Mother was almost 5:30 getting home, she'd changed her appointment because she'd played bridge all day. Anyway, she signed the check and I got home around 6:30.

Yesterday I met Martha Jean and Mary Helen for lunch. We have a new place in town. A lovely bakery/tea room in an antique shop. Soups, salads and sandwiches. Wonderful! I saw bunches of people I know and had a wonderful time!

This coming Tuesday is election day, Bandi is going in to be spayed and I have an appointment with a lawyer. Should be quite a day.

I'm meeting Mother this morning at 10 at Talbot's. Yeah! New clothes!

I've been much busier than I've intended to be.

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