Saturday, November 17, 2007

Count down to Thanksgiving

Daily I think of my blessings and give thanks for them. I also find myself chastising my thoughts for often dwelling on the problems in my life. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to look at the problems as opportunities or challenges and in some convoluted way turn them into blessings also!

My contractor for the kitchen came by earlier this week. Now he's saying it'll be the first of the year before he can begin on the renovation. He'll be tearing out all of the cabinets, plaster walls, ceiling and floor...guess that's called gutting it. I have no idea how long this will take and certainly am not looking to the process...just the end results. The floor will have to be completely rebuilt as the joists have warped and the cabinets were built into the plaster walls. Wow! Sounds like a mess to me!

I'd like to have 2 pocket doors put in and he's going to completely change out the french door as it's warped and there's a big gap that weather gets in. He'll also put in a new kitchen window. I've only met with the cabinet people once...I'm looking forward to the next meeting as we'll get down to specifics.

The TV just said that it's 26 degrees now. I actually had to turn on the heat...set it on 65 degrees and am very bundled up! Had a lovely fire last night, but as it died down around 8 o'clock the animals and I went to bed. Fought with Goodness all night. He was bound and determined to sleep on top of me and I just couldn't handle it. Every time I moved him off he growled! He was determined to go out this morning around six o'clock, but when I went out to get the news paper he came in. That lasted about 15 minutes...he's out now. He's tried to tell me that he may be domesticated but he is not a house cat!

Work is funny right now...some days it's dead as a door nail and somedays (like Thursday and Friday) it's total bedlum! I figured that since we're closed 3 days next week folks were placing orders that normally they would place next week. I'm thinking Monday and Tuesday will be wild!

No plans this weekend (YEAH!). Just the usual, laundry and stuff.

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