Sunday, November 04, 2007

Daylight Savings Time is Gone!

The majority of my time this morning has been spent on changing clocks & watches! I think the only one I haven't done is the one in the car, but traditionally I just subtract an hour for 6 months. I did read in the car manual about how to do it...I'll just have to get the darn book out again.

Actually had fun yesterday. Mother was in a pretty good frame of mind...we only had a couple of tiny head butts. I got several very nice outfits that will mix well with some of the things I have already and a couple of pairs of shoes. Nice! After shopping I drove us to The Atlanta Bread Company where we had a wonderful lunch and chit-chat. Mother has made the reservations for Berts birthday, I'm a little worried that it's just a couple of days after Thanksgiving and the night of the FSU/FL game...I'm not sure what time the game is. After lunch we drove through the parking lot row by row hunting Mother's car. I finally found it, but had to insist to her that it was indeed her car. She got home okay.

Went to Walmart and did my monthly pet food shopping. Compared to the Winn Dixie here in town prices are like 2/3s at Walmart. I hate to go there in the middle of the day on a Saturday, I know what a mob scene it'll be and sure 'nough, it was! I was almost 45 minutes in the check out line!

Went by Nancy's house on the way out of town. Her new metal roof is dynomite! It's a charcoal grey and really looks sharp against the salmon color she painted the trim on the house. Visited just a few minutes. Got home a little after 3.

I was totally pooped after emptying the car and putting the groceries and pet food away. I knew that if I didn't get a few things done I'd do nothing at all if I sat down. So I emptied litter boxes, swept the back hallway, living room, funny room, kitchen and side porch, changed the water reservoir thingy, took out the trash and did a couple of other things and then collapsed into my chair where I promptly nodded off for about half an hour. Still went to bed rather early!

It's a beautiful cool morning, 40s and our high should be the mid 70s. Perfect, though we do need rain.

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