Friday, February 03, 2006

Work, work, work!

This has got to be one of the fastest weeks on record! The past two weeks have been unbelievably busy. We sell the major (and minor) nurseries all over the SE and now is stock up time for them. I put in 46 hours last week (look forward to today's paycheck!)...this week started on Wednesday and I already have 19 hours and today will be another long one.

Of course, the only thing I'm doing is working and the bare minimum at home...animals and food. Last night I was in bed at 7:30, but had to stay awake until 9 in order to watch so glad it's back!

We had a storm and a half yesterday and last night! Heavy duty lightning and hail and tornado warnings...4 3/4 inches of rain! They just said on tv that we're in for it again this afternoon and evening. Don't know where that additional water will go! They said the entire island of St. George is without electricity and other spot outages. Then Sunday am is to be in the 20's!

Gotta get ready for work.

1 comment:

prentice said...

I'm really glad you're enjoying your job so well. Sounds to me like you've found a north Florida niche!