Monday, February 13, 2006

Busy Sunday

Finally! The house is clean.

When I woke up (at 8 AM!) yesterday my back felt human. Was actually able to bend without tears.

By noon I'd read the paper and done the normal animal chores and had a pot of coffee. Thought about reading a book, actually got one out, but looked around and couldn't justify just sitting. So, I swept, vacuumed

and mopped. It's absolutely amazing how much pet hair and dust can pile up in two weeks! Did laundry, changed the bed, dusted and did all sorts of neatening things. Sure smells good and really looks better! Not it's not so hard facing a busy week at work knowing I have a nice place to come home to.

Read on RM's blog that they are going to her father's in Asheville to meet ETC's new daughter. Oh how I wish I could be there too! Would love to hold that new one and squeeze the old ones!

Saturday was so rainy that I stayed in until around 3 PM. Then ran to the grocery store and by the Humane Society office. I left a letter of resignation from active participation with the shelter. Will remain a member, just can't be actively involved...have felt stretched too thin. Will have to read this again if I ever feel compelled to volunteer for ANYTHING again.

Must do the ol' majic trick and ready myself for work.

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