Saturday, December 31, 2005

Good By Old Year!

I sat down here intending to welcome the new year. It dawned on me that we seldom really say farewell to the old one.

I can write that this past year was filled with so much that was unexpected. I can say that some unfortunate things happened, unexplained, sad things. Generally I can talk about the good things that jumped out of nowhere and took my breath away. The joy that snuck in under the radar to suddenly dissipate the cloud of depression I was so totally engulfed in. But to do all of this only scratches the surface that 2005 was.

My personal person, my self, went through so many ups and downs in '05. To list any of them is only self serving and I shan't do it here. I will say that 2005 is ending on a moderately high note for one is more surprised than I am. I do believe that a good bit of it is because I have made the decision to be happy. To find pleasure in the moment, to approve of myself and others. To create joy. To remember how fleeting life is and live true to myself. I've perfected none of this, but feel practice is often what gives me the most peace and pleasure.

I shall continue to practice the joy of life in 2006 and I pray everyone else will find the path they need to practice in order to end 2006 on a moderately high note for all.

Love, Jn

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