Monday, December 26, 2005

The day after Christmas

Yesterday was beautiful! Clear blue skys and rather manageable
temperatures. As in the days of yore, I was up at the crack of dawn, but there were no little children, no gifts. I was thankful for Shirley, Goodness and Mercy who seem to think that every day is Christmas if I get up!

It was a lazy day. Stayed in pj's until a book, made a sausage and onion quiche and drank a pot of coffee. Bud call early and we talked quite a while and later Mother called. Anna called in the afternoon and we talked for an hour. Did laundry and changed the bed (red sheets!).

At 5:30 I went out to Martha Jean's house to tend to her dog, Rosie. She's an old (14) border collie who's a little blind, a little deaf and a little lame. I stayed with her for a little over an hour and came home.

It was all in all a very nice Christmas. I felf a little weepy a few times (you know, things that might have been, etc.) but held it together until a dumb Folger's coffee commercial came on tv...then I just lost it...cried like a baby. Glad I got that out of the way.

We're working today...sorta wish we weren' I've gotta dash.

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