Sunday, July 19, 2009

Something odd

I have no dial phone. Well, I do have my pre-paid cell and it has a little over 500 hours loaded on it, thank goodness, but I have no home phone. Odd thing is, I still have internet service and I get it from Embarq, too. I don't understand how I can have one and not the other...oh well...I used the cell and called Embarq yesterday. They say I should have phone service back tomorrow.

It's down right chilly outside this morning! Love it! Went out to bring in the newspaper and only had on crops and a tee, almost froze to death! It sure would be nice if this stuck around for a while!

It sure seems that everything hits at once. Car insurance and tag are due next month (pay ins. twice a year) and combined that's over $400.00! Which leaves me $319.00 from my SS check. Sure hope I can figure out how to pay the monthly bills and gas the car and feed the animals and eat on that! Bet I'll make it work somehow, it's just all iffy at the moment.

Wondering if the cell phone should be turned on or off when charging...or does it matter?

The picture is what I've done with some of the area that the puppies dug up. I'm enjoying it and, thought I'd never let them know, I really think they may have done me a favor! The ol' lemonade thing!

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