Tuesday, March 02, 2010

A Bert report

Bert, my 92 year old step-father had a (aortic?) stent put in today.  I didn't know about it until it was all over.  My step-sister called a little while ago from the hospital and told me about it.  It seems Bert was having extreme pressure in his chest and shortness of breath and went to the hospital today about it.  His doctor was on call and opted for the stent.  I talked to my step-sister, my step-brother-in-law and to Bert tonight.  He's doing extremely well and will be going home tomorrow.  I asked him who would be staying with him and he said either he'd stay at his daughter's house or she would stay with him for the night, but that after that he'd be on his own.  I asked what I could do and was told that tomorrow was when he was going to see Mother at the nursing home, so I'll be doing that for him...doesn't seem like a lot of help to me.

The only thing in life we can be sure of is change!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Prayers always help! Thinking of you and praying for you!