Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Odd weather!

When the furry children and I got up at 5 this morning it was 70 something degrees outside and I found that my flannel sheets and flannel pajamas were much too much!  The past several days it's been quite cold and look at it now!  However, the powers that be say the temperature will be dropping as the day goes on and that by sundown it will be in the low 60s to high 50s and it's down from there.  There's another storm front moving in and the rain we had overnight (and now) is just a prelude of things to come, so it's batten down the hatches one more time!

This coming Saturday is my day to host the bridge group from Tallahassee that I've been playing with for the past few months.  Boy is my game pitiful!  As my house is in a total state of disrepair what with ladders everywhere, wallpaper hanging in the dining room and partially painted walls I asked one of our local restuarants if we could play there...thank goodness thay said yes!  So we'll be meeting there for a day of it! Should be great fun!

I ordered winter coats for Shirley and Jazzy a week or so ago and they arrived just in time for this last cold snap.  I worried about Jazzy wearing a coat, but she loves it and gets so excited when I put it on her.  Of course when she rolls around in the yard everything sticks to the coat and then it's right into the house!  They do look so cute in their matching outfits!

I made beef stroganoff for supper yesterday.  It's very tasty and I've piles of left-overs.  That's a good thing!

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