Saturday, February 07, 2009

We have a warming trend

I went out to the street at 6 this morning to bring the newspaper in (I only get it on Sat. & Sun) and it felt almost balmy! Well, not really, it was (and is) cold, but there is a significant difference in 16 degrees and 26 degrees! This morning it's 26 and no one is shivering in the house. I'm bundled up of course, but no knit cap...and I turned the space heaters down by half! We may get up to 70 today. I certainly hope so as I have asparagus and day lilies to plant.

Last night was Dinner with the Ladies. We were in a little room decked out with oriental rugs on the floor and a round table with linen cloths on it. An orchid arrangement was in the center of the table with lovely old china and crystal and sterling silver. It was all most pleasant! The food (fried shrimp and oysters) was absolutely wonderful! This was my first dinner in several weeks as I've been quite sick. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it until I went!

Today there's a reception and art show at our local gallery. I hope to get my plantings done so I can go. The artist is a renown authority on daffodils and jonquils, but they say her paintings are mainly abstracts. Should be interesting.

I'm very fond of abstracts, in fact that's mainly what I do, or did. I must get back to my painting. I miss the process. Several months ago Michael's had a sale on stretched canvasses and I bought several. The puppies chewed one corner off of each one. I can't throw them away, but I haven't decided just how to utilize them.

Gotta run, Shirley just threw up on my bed!

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