Wednesday, February 11, 2009


It's amazing that a 3 day work week can be soooo long! Thank goodness Wednesday afternoon does finally get here!

Our weather is wonderful! Chilly in the morning, high 40s, and comfortable afternoons, mid- 70s. I haven't used the space heaters for 3 days and nights now and I've had both the front and back doors open each afternoon. I get a wind tunnel effect with both of the doors opened, now everything smells so much better!

This weather trend is supposed to last for a while, I'm praying for's so dry!

Last Friday, after many days and nights of living in knit hats of one sort or another, I de-capped and much to my chagrin found that my hair not only was longer, but very, very ugly. So, I spent a few hours (not all at once) and cut about 4" off. The last 2 hair cuts that I've paid someone to do were just awful and I really hated and regretted them! At least, this way, there's no one to blame but myself! Actually, I'm really enjoying the hair cut, but need to do a little more refining. Maybe tomorrow.

Spent several hours this afternoon figuring my Federal Income Tax. Went online to and got some good information and some help in figuring how to do the Social Security stuff. Will get a small refund.

Tomorrow is Garden Club. Sure seems to come around right often! We're going to paint flower pots for Valentine's Day. Just what I need! You know, I'm not much of a joiner...hope I'll stick this out for a while at least.

I was so proud of Allen Boyd for voting against the stimulus package. Bless his heart, he sure has caught some flack because of it. Since the House is a Democratic majority he sure did go against the grain!

Yesterday I cut a huge bouquet of red camellias and made a really nice arrangement on my coffee table (rustic old garden bench). When I got home today it looked like an ancient pagan ritual had taken place in the house. The entire house was filled with red petals...from the back door to the front! Some Jazzy dog, that will go unnamed, must have had a ball!

I've had such trouble getting up for the last 3 mornings. It's rare indeed for the alarm clock to wake me and it has each morning! I'm hoping to sleep until whenever tomorrow!

Sunday Jazzy will be a year old! Hard to believe! She's such a hoot!

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