Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The results

Got a phone call at 6:45 last night from the nurse that works with my dermatologist. The pathology report came back and both of the biopsied places are cancerous and they didn't get everything with the biopsies. The one on my thigh has gone deeper than the top layer and they'll do laser surgery Thursday morning. The one on my back is more superficial and they'll do cryogenic surgery on Thursday. Drat.

I really don't have anyone to take me to Tallahassee for the procedures. I guess I'll be okay to drive home. We'll see. I certainly can't stay there.

Got an email from work this morning (it was sent yesterday). Rather than lay anyone off that's working in the office they will be cutting hours. They didn't say when or how drastically. Damn, I really can't afford to have my hours cut more. I can get by on 12 hours, I'm working 15 now. I hope it won't be less. We'll see. They cited the economy and how poorly business is doing and that they don't expect it to improve anytime soon.

I'm so tired of being cold. Once this house takes on cold it's awfully hard to dispel it. Even with the space heaters it's cold. Sometimes it's colder inside than outside! They did say on the weather this morning that we should be warming up soon. It's 30 degrees now. I look forward to it being 50 in the mornings! Of course I'll be bitching about the heat all summer long! There's just no pleasing me I guess.

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