Friday, December 15, 2006

Sick people

Ann has been sick for the past week...Fever, bad chest congestion, cough, etc...Yet she has insisted on going out and going to work. I decided after sitting across the table from her on Sunday that I wasn't going to be exposed to her or any other sick person if I could avoid it. You know me, I even told Ann that it wasn't fair of her to go around folks while she's sick. She did go to the doctor yesterday and got a prescription...Said at 5:00 yesterday afternoon that she took it at 2:00 and was much better! Yeah, right!

Well, I begged off on the Historical Society dinner last night because Ann was going...Plus Leah Jane's showing signs of getting sick, too. We had reserved a table together and I just couldn't see sitting with the two of them for a couple of hours. I lied and said Prentice was to call at 8:00 and I didn't want to miss his call!

Shirley had her stitches removed yesterday afternoon...All two of them! She's doing great!

Nancy and Maria have settled into a routine and Nancy's enjoying having her, but she's still angry with Mother!

My final exam is scheduled for January 6th. Fancy that.

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