Monday, December 04, 2006

Shirley update

Shirley had her surgery at 11 this morning. Dr. Spencer called me a little after noon and said she was doing wonderfully, came through the surgery quite well and was already awake but groggy.

Thank goodness!

It's going to be so odd at home tonight without her. They tell me that I can pick her up after 9 tomorrow morning...Guess I'll pick her up on my morning run and either take her home or bring her in to the office. I think she'll be happier at home, but I'd like to keep an eye on her. Guess I'll just wait and see how she's doing.


prentice said...

You didn't say whether or not she was bred... I really doubt Chester locked with her. I would be terribly suprised if he did.

bamajane said...

No, as it turned out she wasn't bred...perhaps it was a false pregnancy. I only mentioned Chester because he was the only unneutered male I knew that may have had the opportunity. I kept watch while she was out on her chain. Stay warm! I love you! M