Monday, December 11, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The weather this past week was unusually cold. We set a record low on Friday morning for the date...20 degrees! The previously low was in 1927 and it was 27 degrees! Thank goodness I had the chimney cleaned... have had a fire in the fireplace every night and on the weekends.

I hung bed spreads over the doorway to the side porch and over the doorway to the old part of the house. Made a big difference in temperature control.

Shirley's doing well. She will have her stitches removed on Thursday.

Nancy and I went to the opera house Saturday night for a dinner theatre. The food was wonderful and the play, Nun Cracker, was a hoot!

Dinner at Leah Jane's last Sunday, Thursday and yesterday. As always, good food and good company. We are going to the Historical Society dinner this coming Thursday night. Haven't gone out so much in years.

Mother and Bert went to Boca Raton for a party this weekend so Nancy kept Maria.

Helen heard from Mike. She said he sounds good and it was good to talk with him.

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