Monday, July 03, 2006

Just to post

There was an article in the paper this morning about the "political correctness" of calling a fat person "obese". You'd think that that's a no brainer. Fat....obese, fat....obese. Don't they think we know it's one and the same and if we are fat we know it and we also know we're obese. Dumb, dumb article! What a waste of time!

I've had two full days off so far and still have today and tomorrow. I've weeded, cooked, worked on my work room and watched tv. Would like two more weeks of it!

I actually picked Cameo up this morning. He's a young unneutered cat. Very skinny and quite sweet! He buried his face in my neck and purred loudly! I have two choices (actually three) I can take him to the Humane Society, but they are so overloaded with kittens that I'd bet he'd never be adopted...I can have him neutered and call him mine...or I can do nothing and just leave things as they are. The last option seems the easiest, but I keep thinking of male cat spray smell.

Mother and Bert have gone to the mountains for the month of July.

Helen's calling daily. A couple of times I felt sure it was her and didn't answer. I hate doing that, but there just isn't a couple of hours daily worth of chit chat left in me. Her short term memory is so bad and the repetition is difficult for me. I sound selfish and perhaps I am, I do love her and I do care about her...just don't know what the answer is.

1 comment:

prentice said...

If exposed to male cat spray enough it starts smelling kinda good, don't you think?

Poor Helen-