Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Boom, boom, boom

Well, there's something to be said for canopied roads, Spanish moss and rain. They are all beautiful! The rain especially, since we've been so dry.

Yeasteday the rain started around 2:30, not hard, but rain! We're going weeks in between rains and I'm finding it impossible to water enough. In fact, there are 4 dead azaleas in the front of the house...I've been concentrating on the new things I've put out back.

It rained lightly until I got home around 4:30, however, it wasn't nearly enough, so I stood out in the sprinkle and watered. Probably looked stupid, but it was necessary. Neighbors mother came over and we had a nice visit.

By the time I went inside (around 6) the rain was completely gone. Turned on the Golden Girls and here it came...BOOM, BOOM, BOOM! and the power went out. Of course I went out on the front porch to see what was happening and was just in time to see a runner of flame traveling down the power lines to the pole out front, the street light exploded, glass going everywhere, and then one of the cross arms that hold the insulators split in two and it and the insulators went everywhere. Dashed inside grabbed the phone and it was dead. Then the power came back on. All of this happened in a matter of moments.

With the power the phone came back so I called Progress Energy.

Then I went back out so I could keep an eye on the pole. I was shaking like a leaf and of course my back went into spasms.

Monticello is a town of beautiful, old canopied roads. When it's dry for so long the added weight of rain on the moss in the old trees is just enough to bring them down. That's what happened last night. Just 4 houses down a beautiful old oak fell from one yard all the way across the street into that yard. It brought down lines and created a traffic jam!

When Progress Energy got here I asked if I'd lose power while they worked on the lines. One fellow said "Lady, you've already lost power and we'll restore it". When I told him I had power he said "How?" looking up at the pole!

1 comment:

prentice said...

If I were you I'd switch to Georgia Power; It seems Florida Power can't get it right!