Sunday, July 30, 2006

I left here Thursday morning a little after 6am. Drove to Orlando, got to Helen's around 10am. She wasn't home. We had talked the night before and the only place she thought she might go was to "Seniors" if her friend Evelyn could take her (didn't tell her my plans to visit). So I went to the center and there she was, holding court with all of these younger (70s) men. They buzzed around her like she was the queen and they her drones. Wonderful to see!

As I walked to her table we made eye contact twice and I knew she didn't know who I was. When I got within couple of feet of her we made eye contact once more. I said to her "the third time you see me surely you'll know me". She got the most amazed look on her face and then her eyes filled with tears and she opened her arms to me. I was afraid to squeeze her as tightly as I wanted to...she's so tiny. The last time I saw Helen was in June of 2005. She probably weighed it's under 100. But her hair was done and she had makeup on and of course was dressed to the teeth...pretty little silk dress and a sweater and, get this!, red tennis shoes!
Cute, cute, cute!

I took her home from the center after lunch and we visited until 2pm. Hated to leave and she cried.

Ran into some really bad weather on the Turnpike, 20-30 mph type weather, but the big trucks weren't a numerous as they had been on the trip down and after I was on 75 and past Ocala the regular traffic cleared out some, too.

Got home around 6pm. Pooped!

My new travel thought...try not to travel East in the morning and West in the afternoon!

1 comment:

prentice said...

When I was commuting to Carrabelle to work on my friend's boat I drove into the sun every morning and into the sun every evening. It really was horrible.