Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Assignment

Yesterday the boss called me into his office and "gave" me an assignment. It seems our driver isn't leaving the business Visa card when he goes home to Thomasville after his runs. HWB told me that from now on it was MY responsibility to make sure to get the card from him. Then he added that if I failed to do it he would fire me. Now he may have seen that as incentive, but I see it as a threat and as much as I hate it, I'm thinking of looking for another job. I'm quite upset!

We've had four straight days of wonderful rain! Actually thunder storms with major lighting and buckets and buckets of rain. Glorious!

Brought an oakleaf hydrangea and a dwarf red Japanese maple home on Monday. Need to get them into the ground.

Six straight hours of Survivor on tv tonight! Yeah!

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