Saturday, December 08, 2007

It's sooo close to Christmas!

It's only 2 1/2 weeks till Christmas. Where does time go?

Nancy and I had decided to go out to eat one the Sunday before Christmas and call it done. Mother and Bert hadn't mentioned doing anything and that way we'd have a longer run of time off from work and nothing pending. Then yesterday everything changed. It seems that Bert had talked to his daughter, Nancy B., and expressed his dismay that we weren't having a family do for Christmas. So now we're all going to her house on Christmas day. We cancelled our reservations for Sunday. Mother and Bert are bringing the turkey and a ham. Nancy and I are both bringing casseroles and pies. Nancy B. and Mark are doing wine and salad and something else. Should be nice.

I do find it rather funny that Mother and Bert have gone their own way for the past Christmases. Wonder what makes this one so different? Of course, Mother is livid that it's going to be at Nancy B.'s house. She is so jealous of Nancy B.

Yesterday was Monticello's Christmas Downtown Get Down. Nancy came over from Tallahassee and we went. Great fun! Lots of vendors, lots of food, wonderful singing group and a parade with Santa on a fire truck! I don't remember seeing a night time parade before. It was fun!

Thursday HWB took me on a tour of the 700 acres that comprise the nursery. I do love it! I picked out an Oakleaf Holly to decorate for the office and one of the boys brought it in for me on Friday. Looks great! He also asked me if I was still okay about moving to the main office. Told him I was never okay with it. I move on the 1st, damn it! They aren't replacing me where I am and HWB said that perhaps in April we could make some more changes. Not so sure what that means. We'll see.

I'm finally feeling okay. The antibiotic I was taking really tore me up. I stopped taking it when the whites of my eyes turned quite yellow. They are better now, too.

It's warm here today. Just looked at an extended forecast and it's projected to be warm for several days. Saves on the propane, but it doesn't feel much like Christmas!

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