Monday, December 31, 2007

and another one bites the dust!

Well, it's officially New Years Eve Morning and it really seems we have these more and more often! As years are for everyone, this one was really full, but short! When I graduated from high school in 1963 the year 2000 wasn't actually a concept in my mind and just look at it now, we're just a day away from 2008! Wow! Who woulda thunk it?

The brother of one of Nancy's classmates died Christmas eve. The funeral was in Monticello on Saturday. Nancy came over and we went both to the Church and to the cemetery. There was a reception afterwards. All in all the entire thing was 5 hours, give or take. Mike was a Catholic priest.

Yesterday was dark and dreary and quite warm. We had a high of 79! "They" are saying it could be in the teens mid-week. Read Friday, Saturday and Sunday newspapers, took the trash out to the road and watched a bunch of sci-fi movies. Absolutely wonderful! It started raining around 6 last night and rained pretty hard most of the night. I heard the Atlanta area got 4 good days of rain. Thank goodness!

Planning a quiet evening in.

Happy New Year!

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