Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The shear dread of yesterday that I had for several days prior to the actual day was way blown out of proportion. It was actually rather nice.

I drove to Nancy's house and we exchanged gifts there and then it was off to Nancy B.'s house. Oddly enough, we beat Mother and Bert there!...and we were a little late. We had driven by the house before, but never been in. It's as cute as a button! Very cottage like and homey! We had more food to eat than I had imagined and even though I thought I used restraint, I walked away feeling like a Christmas goose, stuffed! I got home around 4pm and exhaled.

Work is closed today. I'm using one of my two days of accumulated vacation time to pay for it. We only get a day a year and I've been there a little over 2 years. All that changes next week...I go up to the "Big House". I'm sure home office will be okay, I'm just dreading it! I'd hoped to stay where I am for the next 32 months, then I could have "retired" from perks for doing that, just the comfort of the same.

Dreary, cold day today. Should clean out the fireplace and bring in wood. It's going to be another newspaper, TV and computer day! Yeah!!

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