Sunday, December 23, 2007

Functional Families?

I know that somewhere out there there are families that truly have love and the sense of a strong bond of kinship.

Nancy and I went to Mother's house at 9am yesterday. I'd talked with her on Thursday and told her I'd bring a Mississippi Mud cake and for her to put on a pot of coffee. Well, first off when we got there at 9am she met us at the door saying we were 30 minutes early...and it sorta went downhill from there. I'll not elaborate, but suffice it to say I don't think Mother is speaking to either me or my sister. Christmas Day should be priceless!

The weather is chilly, damp and weary. Not really cold enough to light a fire (need to clean out the fireplace), but just enough cold for the furnace to cycle on every now and then and the thermostat is set on 62.

I work until noon tomorrow. Work really was nice to me this Christmas! Got 2 gift certificates to Johnson's Meat Locker, a big basket of goodies individually wrapped to open in numbered order for the 12 days before Christmas, a Mississippi Mud Cake, scented oils with the reeds in it, 2 pairs of fuzzy fun socks & foot cream, 5lbs of shelled pecans and a really good hamburger and hot dog cook out on Friday! Of course, folks brought in all sorts of eats and eat we did! On Thursday I took in a big pot of chili and it was gone by 1pm! It was a fun week last week!

On Friday HWB sent me to Thomasville, GA to pick up a gray fox pelt he'd left with the taxidermist a few months back. When I gave it to him I told him it was beautiful (it is!), but dead.

I hadn't heard about the Elf's that kids are getting until HWB told me about the ones his girls have gotten. They got them before Christmas. They do mischief at night...of course the parents do it, but it's a hoot! They elves made a mess in the kitchen trying to make coffee one night and one night moved HWB's vehicle and left the motor running and the wipers going, etc. There was an elf on the gas pedal and one on the steering wheel when they were found!

I'm thinking this will be a good tv movie and newspaper day!

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