Friday, August 24, 2007

Surprise, surprise!

Prentice is here! He and Chester got here yesterday! I'm thrilled!

We brainstormed the kitchen for hours after work yesterday and Prentice drew it out on graft paper. We've come up with some pretty basis designs and ideas and it's going to be wonderful. I know I'm going to hate the process, but will love the results. Am soooo excited.

Tomorrow we'll go to my sister's house and from there to the Seinyard for a birthday meal! How great that he's going to be here for that! Haven't had any of my children around for a birthday in years and years. I'm thrilled!

The high temperature for today is only to be in the low 90's! That's a gift too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please post before and after pictures :-)