Friday, September 22, 2006

Glorious Fall

This week the weather has been spectacular! Lower 80's during the day and upper 50's at night! Unfortunately, this is just a teaser, the 90's will be back tomorrow. At least we've had a break from the extreme heat of the summer and I'm viewing this as a promise of weather to come!

I went with my friend Ann to a bar-b-q at the opera house last night. There were 7-8 of our classmates there so it was like a mini-reunion! Great fun and I was home by 6:30! Parking is always at a premium downtown when an event like this takes place, so I dropped my car at the BP around the corner and had her oil changed while we ate. Didn't have to park and it was much closer than any available space! Good thinking!

My sister called me at 10:15 last, guess where I was at bed asleep! She'd missed Survivor and needed an update. We talked until 11:00...I was pooped when I got up this morning!

The wonders of Mother Nature never cease to amaze me! There is a large oak tree outside my window that I watch often, you know, birds, squirrels and things. The other morning I looked at "my" tree and it was totally covered with a fine white webbing, every branch and the trunk was covered. Well, it sorta worried me, I mean, what in the world was going on? Was "my" tree going to die? No one here knew what it was, so I did an on-line search. It had bark lice! This is a good thing...the little lice clean up all of the debris left in the crevices of trees and then move on. They are gone now along with the webbing and I'm sure the oak feels much better having been cleaned up!

Then day before yesterday I had the front door open because the weather is so wonderful and I saw a very large hawk come down, sit on the sidewalk and pluck a snake out of the border and fly away! There's a lot to be said for country living!

1 comment:

prentice said...

The "country living" statement WAS a joke... (wasn't it?!)