Saturday, April 08, 2006


It's amazing what a difference taking Thursday afternoons off makes. So far I've only done it twice, but that little breather toward the end of the week really does refresh me to the point that by Saturday I still have enough oomph left to give me a small store of energy to rebuild for the coming week. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't do anything, but the pleasure of doing for me is refreshing!

I still love work, but it has slowed down to the point of a crawl and that's more tiring than the earlier Spring frenzy! I find myself dragging out jobs just to fill in the time and I surf the net and play games and read the newspaper and do the crossword puzzle and check e-mail, etc., etc., etc.
I haven't been told, but I sorta expect another late summer/early fall rush also...we'll see.

Goodness is for sure an outside cat. He mainly hangs around the house, but sometimes he's gone when I get home and that worries me until he shows up wanting hugging and long as it's outside. He'll let me take him into the house, but as soon as I put him down he begins the worse hissy fit I've ever seen! He runs and jumps and flings himself against the back door until I open it for him. He'll stop his little fit, lean back and lick his left shoulder a couple of times and walk out the door and lay down on the back step. Really quite comical once I realized what he was doing!

Now, Mercy is a cat of a different color! Each afternoon when I get home from work I change clothes and put Shirley out on her chain. I leave the back door open and am in and out doing stuff for a while. Mercy will take her time and go out and sit on the bricks for a while before she decides to wander around with me or even do some exploring and once I settle in one spot she's usually right there to help. She's quite a weeder! But when I tell Shirley that it's time to go in Mercy pays attention. A couple of times she thought she wasn't quite ready to go in, so Shirley & I went in without her (closed the door!). When I went to the door to check on her she was ready to come in. So for now it's just us girls inside, while Goodness guards the outside.

We're to be stormy today and tonight, so instead of reading the paper I thought I'd go ahead and do the computer and then turn it off. When I went out to get the paper I had one in my driveway and one in the paper box. As I didn't have my glasses with me I had to wait until I got inside to figure out what'd happened. The Jacksonville paper was the one in the driveway, the Tallahassee paper in the box. It was an invitation to get a subscription to the Jax paper. So, I'm looking forward to my papers and coffee while the thunder rolls!

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