Thursday, April 13, 2006

This 'n That

This computer began acting a little weird last week so I reset it back to March 9th or something. That seemed to help for a while, but on Sunday it would freeze up whenever I tried to use it. So, on Monday I took it in and left it. They called me on Wednesday and said they couldn't fix it, didn't know what was wrong and that it wouldn't even boot up. Told them I'd pick it up after work, and did. They were kind enough to mention that they did have several computer packages for sale, starting at $600.00!

Anyway, I thought about them saying it wouldn't boot up anad hooked it up as soon as I got home...booted up just fine, just couldn't get on line. So when I got home this afternoon I spent about an hour and a half on the phone with aol and here I sit, posting!

Then I took a 3 hour nap! Don't remember doing that in a while. Actually had to force myself to get up when I woke up. Really have been getting tired.

I've talked with Helen several times, most every day. Last night she said she was thinking about giving me her sewing machine, but I'd have to go down and get it. I do need to go see her.

Both this weekend and next are tied up, so I can't go down then.

Sunday my sister and I will be joining Mother and Bert at the country club for Easter lunch. (I haven't the foggiest idea what to wear.). And the next Sunday is Mother's 81st birthday and we will be going to Crawfordville for seafood on Saturday. Same place we went to for my sister's birthday. The food is fantastic and one wears jeans!

Got some of that Jergen's Lotion "Natural Glow" for medium skin...just didn't want to be fair skin. I've used it for 4 days now and there is a change in my skin tone, but the most obvious change to me is to the palms of my the directions this morning (you know, it's just lotion!) and they say to wash you hands after each application...I've been rubbing it in when I was finished, 'cause it's lotion, you know! Palms do look good!

Survivor comes on tonight! Yeah!! On Wednesday night on the OUT network they have reruns of older Survivors games from 7pm to 10pm! I try to remember to catch that when I can.

Garden's looking good! Having to water most every night...the sprinkler is a squirrl and sprinkles about an 8' section at a I only water important spots! The tomatoes are blooming, so are the irises! I wish I knew someone that would dig me up another area. Maybe I should check around.

See, the computer seems to be doing quite well!

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