Saturday, April 15, 2006

Small towns

Yesterday the Fed Ex man stopped by our office. He had a package for the lady who works across the highway from us. When he said her name I knew she was the mother of the young man next door. So I looked him up in the phone book and gave his name, number and address to the Fed Ex guy. Later, after I got home, I saw Fed Ex stop next door. Where else but a small town?

Then, just a while ago I was washing dishes and looked out the kitchen window and saw my friend Leah Jane and her neighbor walking around in the back yard. LJ was just giving Norma a tour. What a hoot! Once more, a small town thing!

For the last 40+ years I've lived in cities. I'd forgotten the rhythm and ways of a small town. It's comfortable, but takes a little while to get used to it.

I walked in a downtown realty office yesterday and one of the sales people came out and spoke and asked me how I was enjoying my house. I didn't know her from Adam's house cat, but she knew me! Turns out it had been her house and she's the one who added the master suite.

Got stopped by a little old lady in the grocery store who asked who I was. Told her and she said "thats right, I didn't know you the last time I saw you either!" idea who she is.

Got out early this morning and did some major weeding, then went to the post office, grocery store and drug store. Went out again earlier this afternoon and got lotto...haven't done that in a long time, but it's $63 million or something tonight and I just felt those quick picks calling my name. Cross your fingers for me! And good luck to you if you bought some!

Easter in Tallahassee tomorrow. I hope everyone has a good one!

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