Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Catching up

I started the new job in Home Office last Wednesday. I have a lovely office with an antique computer. I'm filing, answering the phone and going to the post office. Not good.

HWB and the guys at the old job sent flowers and candy with a card saying it was for my first day on the new job and an early Valentines Day wish.

Wednesday afternoon I went to the dermatologist in Tallahassee. Several of the places my GP was concerned about were nothing. The place on my nose was removed and required a stitch inside and one outside. There were two places on my lip that he froze. The shots in my nose and the freezing were most painful.

Thursday was Valentines Day. Got several things of candy and another flower. One of the girls brought in homemade chicken and dumplings and a large salad. Nice.

I was sick all weekend and when I got up Monday morning was much worse. Was at my doctor's office at 7:30 when they opened and told them I wouldn't leave until I could see someone. They said they'd fit me in at 10:15. Went to work. At 10:15 went to the doctor. I have flu (had the flu shot, but it seems the shot is only covering around 40 percent of the strains going aroung) and a secondary bacterial ear infection and fluid on my lungs. He perscribed an antibiotic for the ear. Went on to the post office and back to work. Sorted the mail and came home.

Had only been home a short time when my builder called and wanted a key to the house. He came by and picked it up and asked if I could do without a kitchen for a few weeks. Ha!

Yesterday I called work and told them I didn't know when I'd be back.

Still feel rotten and the antibiotic has torn my stomach up!

It's been quite a week.

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