Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's Unofficial

Well, unofficially, I'll be moving to the home office on the 4th of February. That's a week from this coming Monday. I'm looking forward to getting away from the gloom and doom that covers us where I am, but I'm really dreading what it looks like from this side of the glass...I've been told twice (yesterday was the second time) that I'll be handling the phones and filing...yeah! Talk about potential boredom and really torn up hands! Oh well, I guess I can do anything for 31 months (that's when I plan to retire).

Leah Jane came by yesterday with soup and wine. I can tell this morning that I ate less soup than I should have and drank more wine than was wise on a "school night".

We've had almost 3" of rain since Saturday and more in the forecast!

I've almost emptied the kitchen. Ran out of boxes, but brought more home from work yesterday. My shoulders and arms and hips and legs hurt quite a bit from climbing up and down the ladder all weekend in order to get the things from the top shelves. I'd climb up get a small armful and climb down and put it in a box...must have done that 80 million times! Probably have another good mornings worth to do. I'm hoping that I'll not have to do more until this weekend.

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