Friday, July 13, 2007

Heat wave

Tuesday morning at 6am it was 83 degrees in Apalachicola. It was only 78 here! The heat has really taken hold and according to the latest forecast we aren't to expect a break from it any time soon. At 11:30 yesterday morning our heat index was 102! It makes it awfully hard to get anything done outside...just watering my garden at 8pm is very taxing!

Work is tediously slow. It's amazing to me just how long 5 hours can be! Today is a 4 hour day.

My last post was on the 7th...that would have been Daddy's 91st birthday!

Helen called last night. Very upset. It seems Mike had called her and told her I said she was dieing. She is. She hasn't been told. She thinks that she's just going for x-rays every week. I told her I not only hadn't talked with him in 2 years that there had been no contact including e-mails, true. Couldn't think of anything else to say. I can't believe he did that.

Goodness is actually getting into this kitten thing. He lays on the floor and flicks his tail back and forth for their amusement and even will eat from the same bowl with them! Mercy touches noses with them and watches them like tv!

No real news, it's quite quiet in town now. Everyone that's able has gone to the coast or the mountains trying to escape the heat. I'm afraid that they've all just gone to another area of heat. Leah Jane left on the 1st for a month and of course Mother and Bert are in Waynesville.

Prentice called last night. He and Harvey are heading to the Marshall area today. I'm afraid he's going to get so much work up there that he'll not make it here to do my kitchen. I'm so anxious to get it done.

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