Saturday, July 07, 2007

Catching up once more...

This has been an odd week. We closed at noon on Tuesday and won't go back to work until Monday. The only day we'll get paid for is the 4th. Of course we're on half days anyway and it'll be interesting to see how much smaller my pay check can get!

When I got up Wednesday morning the phone was dead...well, actually it was making a loud buzzing. Got up Thursday morning and it was working. Miracle! Got up this morning and the phone was dead. So at about 11:15 I went in to the office and used the phone to report it being out. (my sister chewed me up one side and down the other for not reporting it out on the 4th!)

About 3:30 this afternoon I decided to lay down on the sofa and watch a movie...the doorbell rang and it was the phone man. He worked around for a long time (outside) and then I heard his truck leave the driveway. Looked out and he was climbing up a pole across the street. Sat on the porch for a while and watched, but couldn't tell what was going on and it was hot so I went back in. The phone rang about a half an hour later and it was the phone man saying it was fixed. It seems lighting hit it! Glad it was the phone line and not a house!

So, most of my time off has been spent without phone or Internet! Actually it was quite nice!

We've had 2 rather nasty storms this week with goodly amounts of rain. Thank goodness!

The kittens have been loose in the entire house since 1 o'clock Tuesday. They are a riot!!!!! They are really quite good, they're learning limits not only from me, but from Shirley, Goodness and Mercy also! It's a lot more active around here than before kittens!

Mother and Bert spent 4 days at the beach and will leave tomorrow for a month in the mountains. That's something I'd sure love to do! Not with them of course, on my own. Maybe someday.....

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