Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Catching up

Since I last posted we've had Mother's Day and Memorial Day...both of which constituted a command appearance in Tallahassee.

Mother's Day was, of course, at the country club. Mother, Bert, Nancy P., Nancy & Mark and I attended. Good food and fun company. Both Rosie and Prentice called...LOVE hearing from them! Prentice is going to do my kitchen for me!!!!! I'm thrilled!

Yesterday was Memorial Day. Once more at the country club. This time it was different. It was a wonderful bar-b-que cooked outside and eaten outside. Nice weather, clear (no smoke) and breezy. Had to fuss at Mother. She jumped on Nancy (verbally)...I told her in private not to do it anymore. Hope it works, she hurts Nancy's feelings so badly and so often. I blow up at her when she pulls that stunt with me, but Nancy internalizes and stews.

Got two kittens last week. A little grey tabby and a little grey-black thing. Not from the same litter, in fact not even from the same towns. They get along quite well and are (as kittens are) a hoot! They are living for now in my bathroom. Thank goodness it's very large and they have lots of romping room. They were both 6 weeks old on Friday and are just too tiny to be loose in the house. Too many places for them to get stuck or lost. Them come into my room with Shirley to play...they LOVE Shirley! Goodness and Mercy are afraid of them!!! Oh, Smokey and The Bandit!

HWB's baby still hadn't arrived as of last Friday. The first due date was the 11th, then they changed it to the 19th. Told HWB when I left on Friday that maybe the baby (don't know the sex) would wait until this coming Thursday...full moon.

Had Nancy over for a little cookout on Sunday. Actually grilled! Hot dogs and hamburgers. Had slaw, yellow rice and black bean salad, baked beans, curried deviled eggs and sweet tea. Nancy brought cherry ice cream and brownies. Good eats!

Hope to post a little more often now that my new computer is acting better.

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