Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yesterday we celebrated Mother's birthday. It actually isn't until tomorrow...she'll be 82. It's funny, I was trying to think of something pleasant to say about her...she'd like this...she looks remarkable for her age, dresses beautifully and finally changed her hair-do. Okay, except for the hair-do part she'd like that. Nancy and I drove down to the Seineyard and met Mother and Bert. As usual, we pigged out and had major leftovers to bring home. I just had shrimp, scallops, grouper, fries and a hush puppy for breakfast (wonderful) and there's still more left for lunch!

Our busy time at the nursery is done...hate that! I absolutely love it during the busy time. I still enjoy it because of the people there and the surroundings, but I am crazy bored now. I'm not good at busy work and am tired of surfing the Internet for 6-7 hours every day.

I'm really considering early retirement. I could do that September 1st...just couldn't live on the amount of money I'd receive. Sure wish I could find something to do to bring in enough money to make the difference in SS $'s and real life!

Haven't done anything toward remodeling the kitchen yet...wish Prentice were here. I know he could do it and I know I'd like it. I'd like that entire room gutted and redone. It's sorta an awkward room, open on both ends and taller than it's wide. Wish there were a tv program to do it for me!

Finally had to break down and get Shirley a new harness. After she was spayed a few months ago she really puffed up! Now she knows how I feel! Of course when she hurt her hip that slowed her down considerably, but it's well now I think. Anyway, she now is the proud owner of a lovely hunter green harness and it looks soooo good on her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wishing your mother a very happy belated birthday! Wishing her many more happy birthdays in the years to come! Hope you all had a great time.