Saturday, March 25, 2006

Catching up again!

I was surprised to see that it had been over a week since I last posted!

Last weekend I worked in the yard both days and, frankly, was just too darn tired to get on the computer. I transplanted 3 rather sizable sago palms, planted a rose bush, 7 bearded iris, 6 cucumbers, 16 white snapdragons, 9 tomatoes, rosemary, sage, parsley, cilantro (boy, that spelling looks wrong), oregano, spearmint & lemon balm. I made a container garden with some of the herbs and things really looked good! I managed to step in a fire ant bed on Saturday, still have some nasty looking places on the top of both feet!

Sunday I didn't feel great, not sore, just achey, still spent the entire day working in the yard.

Monday I woke up around 3am and felt just awful! Headache, muscle aches, painful sinuses, icky stomach and very warm. Tossed & turned in bed until 5am, got up & dressed for work...did normal morning, vitamins, animals, litter boxes, etc. and felt worse & worse. Went to work, clocked in, got the server on line and said I was sick and had to go home. I clocked out with 7 min. on the clock. Got home, put my pj's back on and went to bed. Dozed off and on all morning. Then about noon I was roused by a rather loud crash...jumped out of bed to investigate, got dizzy and fell into the bedroom door frame. I guess I raised my arm to catch myself and crashed my wrist & forearm into the frame. I feel fortunate that I didn't break anything, but as I type this the wrist is very painful and it has the most interesting colors from just below my little finger all the way up past my wrist. Right arm. Could'a been worse!

Didn't work Tuesday either.

Worked 7:45-12:15 on Wednesday.

Worked a full day (81/2 hrs) on Thurs & Fri.

Today my sister & I went shopping together. She showed me two of the cutest shops & we had fun. Then we went to the OutBack for an early supper. We both had a $25.00 gift certificate from our aunt & uncle and we each spent all but $1.37 and we each left that and some folding money for the tip. We had lobster and it was wonderful! We both said that the lobster was an indulgence that we'd never have bought for ourselves, but totally enjoyed!

There, that's the week in review. Rather boring I guess, but it's my life and I quite enjoy it!

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