Sunday, December 14, 2008

I went to a party!

I can't remember the last time I went to a "real" party. I did last night! It was a progressive neighborhood party and within walking distance! Generally I'm not a party person, but this was fun. I met a gazillion neighbors that I'd never set eyes on and really hit it off with a few of them...there wasn't anyone I didn't like. We started with wine and appetizers at one house and went to another for dinner and then on to dessert. It began at 5:30 and I didn't get home until 9! Imagine that!

Both yesterday and today Maggie escaped from the fenced yard. I think she's getting out by going under the house, but I've blocked up every escape hole I can find. Evidently not very well! She's a little hard to get back in and yesterday she was across the street. That's a very busy road and that's scary! I sure do hope the fence guy takes her!

No real news.

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